Grade 6

20th April, 2020
ISO Diary Entry

It’s been four weeks now and to stay healthy it is essential you stay quarantined in your own home. Going to the shops to buy basic needs is already a big risk so if you go to your friend’s house you are basically putting yourself and others at the risk of getting the virus.

Washing your hands may not be crossing your mind while this tragic event is striking possibly at its worst, but it’s the first thing you should do and regularly especially when you come in contact with surfaces which are constantly being touched.

You may think quarantine is boring, dull and will slowly but surely drain away all the surviving energy from the crashing comets of unfortunate events. But I think quarantine is an opportunity to try something new and to learn something you didn’t know about yourself. And for those whose family members are constantly busy working, take the time to get to know what they've been up to. Don’t just find out about yourself, try and get to know them and who they are you might be surprised with your findings.

For those reading this I just want to say COVID-19 is a strong group of contagious germs that work together to try and get us sick. I know it seems impossible but if we work together we can stand a chance so don’t take this lightly don’t take risks.

Stay home, Stay Safe, Save Lives

Hamza Amin